Galleri Trial – detecting cancer early

The Galleri® test is a new blood test that can detect signs of many different types of cancer in a sample of a person’s blood. If the Galleri test can find these signs earlier than other tests and before people have symptoms of cancer, it may mean that cancer can be treated more successfully. 

The NHS-Galleri trial is a research trial to see how well the new Galleri test works in the NHS. The aim is to see whether the test finds cancer earlier when combined with standard cancer testing in people who don’t have any symptoms of cancer.

The NHS-Galleri study coming to North Tyneside. The trial aims to evaluate a new screening test which uses a single blood sample to test for many different cancers. If you’re from North Tyneside, are aged 50-77 and have no history of cancer in the last three years, you may be invited to join the
trial of a new cancer screening test. Please look out for your letter.